Hello again watchers. Today was another beautiful day for birding. During a stroll through Kean University as I was heading home from class when I notice this robin had landed near me. As I pulling out my phone and opening up the camera feature, I noticed the tree and tried to position the camera to capture both in one shot. After a couple of shots taken (for the chance to get the best shot), I proceeded go over them as I waited for my ride to pick me up.
While scanning through all the photos of the journey of the bird watching it suddenly dawned on me. "It's already Spring time and the semester is almost over." Through all the focus on the creation of the website and trying to notice good shots of birds to post and discuss about, that time just flew by without any notice form me. The pollen in the air should of been a obvious sign due to my allergy to it, but its been pretty calm due to the sudden cold weather.
I'm sure there are many of you have the same feeling as I do. Though many would say they need a Summer break, I somehow have an opposite feeling. Maybe a need to work during the Summer will bring back the old yet expect feeling. For the first time taking a semester of college I kind of felt like I wanted to continue and learn from than enjoy the summer sun, as odd as that may sound.